발음 회화

발음 회화 연습 수업

영어 학습의 올바른 출발점은 “단어를 읽을 수 있는” 것입니다. 그 다음에 대화나 작문으로 이어갈 수 있습니다.

회화 레벨 1

– Nice to meet you. 1 – 3
– Are you a student? 1 – 3
– Questions and answers about family.

회화 레벨 3

– Nice to meet you. 1 – 3
– Are you a student? 1 – 3
– Questions and answers about family.

회화 레벨 4

– I don’t have any money.
– Shop talk.
– Directions 1 – 3

회화 레벨 5

– What’s wrong with you?
– What’s wrong with you? – task
– Telephoning – 1
– Telephoning – 2

회화 레벨 1

UNIT 01 – Who am I?
– SPEAKING – Nice to meet you. 1 – 3
– SPEAKING – Are you a student? 1 – 3
– SPEAKING – Questions and answers about family.

회화 레벨 3

UNIT 03 – Spending money
– SPEAKING – Nice to meet you. 1 – 3
– SPEAKING – Are you a student? 1 – 3
– SPEAKING – Questions and answers about family.

회화 레벨 4

UNIT 04 – Somewhere to live
– SPEAKING – I don’t have any money.
– SPEAKING – Shop talk.
– SPEAKING – Directions 1 – 3

회화 레벨 5

UNIT 05 – Keeping well
– SPEAKING – What’s wrong with you?
– SPEAKING – What’s wrong with you? – task
– SPEAKING – Telephoning – 1
– SPEAKING – Telephoning – 2

수업 예시